Terms for Rental Materials

Norsk Musikkforlag's catalog contains around 1,000 works for orchestra: symphonies, concertos for various instruments, songs, and music drama, among others.

Orchestral works are generally available for rental. The rental fee depends on the duration of the piece and the number of performances. The rate for an amateur orchestra is lower than for a professional orchestra. Special terms apply for recordings and music drama works. If you are planning a performance, you can borrow a score for review for a limited period, and for most works, scores can also be purchased.

For orders and inquiries, please visit zinfonia.com. If you need assistance or cannot find what you're looking for, please contact hire@musikkforlagene.no.

We also represent other publishers (such as Universal and Carl Fischer) in our territory. Most of the repertoire from other publishers that we represent can be ordered through Zinfonia.

Rental Terms

Rights and Obligations Related to the Rental of Sheet Music Materials

  • Sheet music materials must be inspected upon arrival, and any complaints must be received by Norsk Musikkforlag as soon as possible, and no later than one (1) week after receipt.

  • Sheet music materials must not be copied, loaned, forwarded, or rented to third parties or institutions without prior agreement with Norsk Musikkforlag.

  • The sheet music materials must be handled with care and returned in the same condition as received, and placed in score order.

  • Materials must be returned no later than fourteen (14) days after the final performance date. Late returns will incur a charge of 50% of the regular rental fee per week commenced.

  • For cancellations within seven (7) days before the scheduled concert, 50% of the rental fee plus regular costs will be charged. For cancellations later than this, the full rental fee plus regular costs will be charged.

  • Lost materials (scores and parts) will be covered by the customer at the actual cost from the publisher. 

Mechanical Rights

  • Neither excerpts nor entire works may be recorded, broadcast on TV or radio, or otherwise used beyond the limited agreed-upon use of the assignment without prior agreement with Norsk Musikkforlag.

  • Violation of this rule gives NMO (and possibly the original publisher) the right to charge the customer an additional fee of at least 50% of the rental amount on top of the regular rental fee.


Broadcasts on radio/TV and similar

  • For the broadcast of a concert on radio, TV, or similar, where rental materials are used, the lessee is required to obtain prior permission from the publisher and to pay an additional rental fee according to standard practice. This applies to live broadcasts, delayed broadcasts, or re-broadcasts.

  • Unless otherwise agreed, an invoice for such broadcasts will be sent to the lessee (orchestra/institution, etc.). The lessee must handle their relationship with the broadcaster independently.



  • It is assumed that the lessee has obtained an agreement with TONO for the relevant concert and paid the required fees, as well as sent the concert program to TONO so that performance royalties can be distributed to the respective rights holders.


Return Address

Unless otherwise agreed, all rented materials must be returned to Norsk Musikkforlag:

Norsk Musikkforlag, orkesteravdelingen
Konowsgate 67B
0196 Oslo



In addition to our own published music, we also represent a number of international publishers, which together constitute a significant portion of the repertoire performed in Norway.

Agency for Foreign Publishers

We represent the following publishers for rental materials and stage works:
Carl Fischer (for Norden) →
Presser (for Norden) →
Universal (for Norge) →

In addition, we procure and can assist with most needs in the orchestral world.


Rental Catalog (PDF)

Click for direct download of the orchestra catalog.


Order Form

For ordering rental materials, please fill out this order form, and complete the form once per work being ordered.